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Project Ideas



For Beginners

Today I am Going to tell you some Amazing Project Ideas. So let's start......

 Materials: DC Motor, Connecting Wires, Propeller, AA Battery, On-Off Switch.

DC Motor

So first of all take the DC Motor and connect its +ve end to AA Battery with +ve end and take the other end of DC Motor i.e. -ve. and connect it to On-Off Switch. Now take the -ve end of AA Battery and connect it to another end of On-Off Switch. Attach the Propeller to the shaft (Mouth) of the DC Motor.

On-Of Switch

And now you can See Your Circuit is Ready, Now On the Switch, and see the Creation Of your Creative Mind.


So Friends Today I am Going to Show How to Make Free Energy Generator from Generator Motor. So let us Start Our Work.

MATERIALS: Generator Motor, Connecting Wires, a Pulley, LED Light, a Rubberband, Old CD, Bottle Cap, Super Glue, Long stick (approximately 10cm)
Note: Motors used in different projects varies as per the uses.

Old CD

LED Light

Pulley For Motor

Super Glue


So our First step is to make the Pulley model. For that, you will need to take the Old CD and Bottle Cap, Stick both of them in such a way that the cap is at the centre of the CD, Now make a hole on the Cap at the centre, the hole's diameter should be equal to your long stick's diameter. Now stick the Long Stick and your Pulley model is ready. Now we will start making our Circuit, take the Generator motor's +ve end and connect it to the +ve end of the LED Light and take the -ve end of the LED Light and connect it to the -ve end of the Generator motor, Now our Circuit is Complete. Now take the Pulley and attach it to the Motor's Shaft (Mouth) and take the Pulley Model and keep it aligned without any obstacles with it and attach the Rubberband to the Motor's pulley and the pulley model, Now Hold the Pulley and Rotate it and you can see that the pulley attached to the Motor is also rotating and thus it produces electricity and the LED Light starts Glowing.

You can use any other Materials like Other DC Motor, LED Light, Light Bulb of low Volt, etc...

 ...Solar Panel with DC Motor...

So, friends, I am Back With My New Blog Today I Am Going To Show you How to make A Solar Powered DC Motor. So Lets Start 

MATERIALS: Solar Panel, Solar Powered  DC Motor, Connecting Wires, and a LED Light.

Solar Panel

LED Light

DC Motor 

Soo Our First Step is to Take the Solar Panel and Connect its +ve (positive) end to the +ve end of the DC Motor, Now take the -ve end of the DC Motor and connect it to the -ve end of the LED Light. now take the +ve end of the LED Light and connect it to the -ve end of the Solar Panel. Your Circuit is Complete.

Now See your Solar Panel should be Placed In such a way that it gets direct sunlight and that should be sufficient for your Circuit to supply the power. The More your Power in Sunlight, The More you Get the Supply of Electric Current. 

So After Placing the Solar Panel, You will see that the DC Motor and the LED Light start Glowing.

Project Ideas Project Ideas Reviewed by Mehetab Ali on January 17, 2021 Rating: 5

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